verb [past tense, (past participle), present participle, 3rd person singular present tense] - e.g., "work [worked, working, works]" You can switch the direction of the search by pressing the button in front of the search field.While the dictionary tries to provide results in the opposite...
The past participle(Partizip II):thepast participleappears in the compound tenses(Perfect,Pluperfect,Future II)as well as thepassive. Examples: Ich habe heute langegeschlafen. An der Grenze wurden alle Ausweisekontrolliert. Learn more about theinfinitive with and withoutzuand thepresent and past ...
Ich habe einen Hund gekauft.(I bought a dog.) For the Germanpresent perfect tenseyou will need a form ofhabenorseinas well as a past participle. The form ofhabenorseingoes in second position, as in all basic sentences. But, the past participle is sent to the end of the sentence. 4....
A smaller group of verbs will build the present perfect tense with the help of the auxiliary verb sein. Remember its conjugation? Second Part: Past Participle Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student I am a teacher Start...
▸ Infinitive, Infinitive with 'zu', Participle ▸ Tenses: Present, Past, Perfect, Pluperfect, Future ▸ Cases: Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative ▸ Number: Plural, Singular ▸ Gender: Feminine, Masculine, Neuter ▸ Comparison: Positive, Comparative, Superlative ...
▸ Infinitive, Infinitive with 'zu', Participle ▸ Tenses: Present, Past, Perfect, Pluperfect, Future ▸ Cases: Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative ▸ Number: Plural, Singular ▸ Gender: Feminine, Masculine, Neuter ▸ Comparison: Positive, Comparative, Superlative ...
“The subject of the second sentence is “Diese Beurteilung”/This judgment/evaluation. “Verdankt sich zu+ dative” can sometimes be rendered as “is due to” or “can be attributed to”, but I think the wooden “owes itself … to” may be better here. The past participle “veränder...
17.1 German present participle (participle I) [0/2] Exercise of the German present participle (Score -/-) Exercise for the functions of the German present participle (Score -/-) 17.2 German past participle (participle II) [0/2] Exercise for the German participle II (Score -/-) ...
Irregular conjugation for the verbs "trinken", "sinken","stinken" and their compounds: there is a vowel change in the stem of Present tense ("ich trinke") and the stem of Preterite ("ich trank") and the stem of Past Participle ("getrunken"). What are the irregular verbs in German?
韦氏词典对“-ed”词源解释:Etymology:Middle English,from Old English -ed,-od,-ad; akin to Old High German -t,past participle ending,Latin -tus,Greek -tos,suffix forming verbals另一本词典对“-ed”词源的解释:Etymology:as ending of past tense < ME < OE -ede,-ode,-ade,-de; as ending ...