A selection of money associated with World War 2NAZI GERMANY SILVER COINSThese four silver coins serve as a memento of the horrors of the Third Reich. The 2 Reichsmark was issued from 1936 to 1939. It pictures Paul von Hindenburg on one side and an eagle holding a wreathed swastika on ...
WW2 German Light Tank Prototypes Krupp Light Export Tank L.K.A. and L.K.B. After World War I, senior tank companies, such as Renault and Vickers-Armstrong, began selling tanks and other military materiel to smaller countries that could not afford their own tank production. Seeing this, ...
Agnes got a position, Franchiska went to America as a teacher and Anna stayed with mother. My good uncle, Robert von Boswell, the brother of my beloved mother, who was at that time major general in the Prussian army assisted her a great deal and sent her every month some expense money...
liberating large areas of Belgium. This defeat, forced the Germans to agree to an armistice, signed on 11 Nov, 1918. The Germans withdrew from Belgium, the Flemish government collapsed, and King Albert returned as the Belgian Government