Student Exchange Between American and German Medical Schoolsdoi:10.1097/00001888-193707000-00008&NAAcademic Medicine
This questionnaire-based survey for both lecturers and students aimed to evaluate DSM education among undergraduate students. Methods A structured questionnaire was sent to the managing directors and student councils of all 30 German university dental schools. The questionnaire contained 13 questions on ...
Gymnasium or 10 years of schooling at other general education schools. Compulsory education ensures that all children in Germany receive a comprehensive education that prepares them for higher education or entry into the workforce. It also promotes equal opportunity for all students, regardless of back...
Americans Soccer Transfer news: Tyriq Umrani to SV Seligenporten Tyriq's success in Gutenstetten, becoming an integral part of the team as a regular starter and showing his dangerous offensive ability, attracted “Die Klosterer” as part of their Read More Germany Player News Germany Soccer...
Data from 35 of the 38 medical schools in Germany were analysed. In 32 of 35 medical faculties, the local Department of Anaesthesiology is responsible for the teaching of emergency medical care; in two faculties, emergency medicine is taught mainly by the Department of Surgery and in another by...
It has some nice Americans with Jason Detrick and Duke Shelton and talented Austrians. What can this team achieve this season? I believe we have the best team in the league. We have players who have played in the ACB, EuroLeague, Fiba EuropeCup, Greece, etc. A coach who has won ...
Fischbach stressed that "many claims made by vaccination opponents have been scientifically refuted long ago". "For example, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccinations cannot trigger autism—even if such misinformation still circulates onsocial media," he said in a statement. ...
How much of the early success can one only attribute to head coach Rodrigo Pastore considering that there were 6 new Americans on the squad? We only had 5 Americans we added on when we had injuries and once we got healthy we went back to 5 again. Coach has a lot do with our ...
Recently some fellow Americans moved in down the street. We figured this out before we talked to them, as there were some telltale expat signs around the house. One day I stopped the new neighbor while he was out walking his dog and we had a brief chat, marveling at... ...
North Rhine-Westphalia, with its 18 million residents, has been hardest hit by the virus outbreak so far. Laschet said parents with no childcare solutions could still drop off their kids at school on Monday until alternatives are found, especially for those working in jobs needed to keepcritical...