23 _System Mauser_ - The Very First C96 Pis 07:58 2-Gun Action Match, July 2013 (M1 and SV 06:57 2-Gun Match_ New Inland M1 Carbine - You 13:15 3D_Animation__How_a_Mauser_C96_Pistol_works(1080p 02:28 3D_Animation__The_Gewehr_43_Semi-Automatic_Rifle_ 08:12 3D_print_toys_...
23 _System Mauser_ - The Very First C96 Pis 07:58 2-Gun Action Match, July 2013 (M1 and SV 06:57 2-Gun Match_ New Inland M1 Carbine - You 13:15 3D_Animation__How_a_Mauser_C96_Pistol_works(1080p 02:28 3D_Animation__The_Gewehr_43_Semi-Automatic_Rifle_ 08:12 3D_print_toys_...
The cartridge that was ultimately developed as the standard for this new breed of rifle was the 7.92mmKurz Patrone, or “short cartridge.” It managed to maintain the same caliber as the ubiquitous 8mm Mauser cartridge, thus happily avoiding any major manufacturing retrofit, and accomplished the ...
It also has some elements of both the Revelli M-1914 and the Japanese Type 11 (1922) MGs, the latter using a hopper feed that took the five-round stripper clips for the Type 38 (1905) Arisaka bolt-action rifle. Exactly why Mauser would have come up with such a feed setup at that...
The I.G. (Infanterie‑Gewehr) Mod. 71 Mauser was the first of what would become literally millions of rifles manufactured to the design of the brothers Paul and Wilhelm Mauser, and the first regulation brass cartridge rifle of the German Imperial Army.
They built bolt action sporting rifles on the Mauser 98 action and on a bolt action of their own design. They also offered inexpensive single barrel shotguns and a two shot bolt action shotgun. You will find articles about a very special gun made for a special occasion, one of their over...
(1= Rheinmetall, 2= Mauser, 3= Erma, etc.), and the last two digits indicating where that design stood in that particular maker’s series of designs. Thus, the “MG-213” (a 13mm IIRC) wasn’t “Machine Gun M-213”, but was the 13th machine gun design from Mauser since the ...
World War II German Mauser K98k High Turret Sniper Rifle with ScopeThis is a solid representative example of a late World War II German high turret sniper rifle that was manufactured by the Mauser factory, and fitted with a Dialytan 4x "bmj" code sniper
23 _System Mauser_ - The Very First C96 Pis 07:58 2-Gun Action Match, July 2013 (M1 and SV 06:57 2-Gun Match_ New Inland M1 Carbine - You 13:15 3D_Animation__How_a_Mauser_C96_Pistol_works(1080p 02:28 3D_Animation__The_Gewehr_43_Semi-Automatic_Rifle_ 08:12 3D_print_toys_...