German Reich (1942-1945) Wheeled Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun – Unknown Number Built The Schwere Geländegängiger Lastkraftwagen 4.5t Mercedes-Benz L4500A als Flakwagen was a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG) used by the German military during World War II. It was built by ...
David cannot believe it. After participating in a very challenging reality TV show for over two weeks in the middle of the Brazilian rainforest, he really did it. At long last the torture of eatingKakerlaken('cockroaches') and of being regularly poured over withSpinnen('spiders') andWürm...
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Here something that Einstein did actual say that has a somewhat similar meaning: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” He also said: “Learn from yesterda...
The instructions in this paragraph apply not only to the German Postal Service net, but also to privately established telephone nets such as mine and forest systems. Decisions concerning utilization of the German Postal Service net are made by the army signal officer. The signal officer of the c...
During my first visit to Tabora in 1920, I discovered hidden in a loft of the Boma among amass of German documents, mostly eaten by rats and ants, secret instructions, issued in1916 by the last German Governor, that all the most valuable Government files should beburied in Tabora and oth...
He pioneered the theory of distributions, which gives a well-defined meaning to objects such as the Dirac delta function. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 1950 for his work on the theory of distributions. For several years he taught at the École polytechnique. Birthplace: Paris,...
forester, forest ranger, forest supervisor, overseer of wood in a forest: Amtsjäger, Forestarius, Forstbeamter, Forstschutzbeamter, Förster, Forster, Forstner, Forstverwalter, Holzgraf, Holzgrefe, Holzvogt, Kreisser, Oberförster, Waldgrebe, Wehrmeister, Wildförster, Wittgrefe; forest gu...
der einen Nacht der Herrlichkeit. English Translation of "Advent" The wind in the winter white forest urges the snowflakes along like a shepherd, and many a fir tree senses how soon she holy and sacredly lighted will be, and so listens carefully. She extends her branches ...
and waste a good deal of time trying to dig a meaning out of it. German names almost always do mean something, and this helps to deceive the student. I translated a passage one day, which said that "the infuriated tigress broke loose and utterly ate up the unfortunate fir forest" (Tann...
and the Janow Forest. On Semptember 18, 1939, two days after the Soviet forces crossed the Polish boarders (as a result of theMolotov-Ribbentrop Pact), and began simultaneous attack on Poland, the staff of the 1st Podhale Rifle Regiment decided to capitulate. Jozef Kuras, and several other...