At the end of the course is the students achieve C1-level German and pass the DSH exam, a language proficiency test compulsory for foreign students studying at a German University. Goethe Institutes in Germany German Courses Across Germany ...
German Language Tests for PhD Applications Guides Written byMark Bennett Think you’re ready to find the perfect project for you? Search our database ofPhD programmes in Germany. Sign up for our weekly newsletter to: Get funding news and application tips ...
Myonlyadvantage(优点)was(2)___ —I gotan A oneverywordtest I took.Aftertwoyearsofstudy,I struggled(挣扎)tocommunicatein(3)___GermanandsigneduptostudyinGermanytocompletemydegree.Itwasthe(4)___ term I wouldeverhave.When I arrivedinGermany,I feltlike I wasstartingfromthebeginning.TheGerman...
You have successfully completed your high school or Bachelor’s degree and wondering what comes next? Try the German language academic pathways! Pathways Academic Pathways Aiming for top quality education in Germany? If that's the case then join our German academic language pathway now to catch th...
German Language Activities: Time and the CalendarGerman Language Activities: Books to PrintD is for... (English-German) Picture DictionaryF is for... (German/English) CHILDREN'S DICTIONARYL is for... (English-German) Picture DictionaryToday's featured page:The Body, Beginning Readers Books ...
Learn German in your holidays incl. Activity programme Start your language holidays Summer School in Vienna for kids and teens from 12-17 24 hours support and supervision incl. exciting Activity programme Join our Sommercamp Learn German in Germany?
Why learn German in Regensburg? Medieval Regensburg Regensburg is the ideal place for a German language course in Germany.Regensburg, UNESCO World Heritage, is at the same time a medieval wonder and a lively, young, modern city with 30,000 university students, situated 120 km north of Munich,...
Forsomereason,I reallylikedthelanguage,but I wasnotverygoodatlearningit.Thegrammarnearly(1)___ mecrazy.Myonlyadvantagewas(2)___--I gotan A oneverywordtest.Aftertwoyearsofstudy,I decidedtostudyinGermany.Itwasthe(3)___ term I wouldeverhave.When I arrivedinGermany,I foundtheGerman I learned...
For some reason Ireally liked the language, but I was not very good at learning it.The grammar ___ me a lot and even drove me crazy. My onlyadvantage was ___ —I got an A on every word test I took. Aftertwo years of studies, I struggled (挣扎)tocommunicate in ___ German and...
German for kids (Deutsch für Kinder) Reading tips I: books for the respective language levels from A1 to B2 Reading tips II: books for the respective language levels from A1 to B2 Explore Germany : Practical Guides & Tips City maps (Stadtpläne) ...