Deutsch lernen in Deutschland - mit unserem umfangreichen Service inklusive Unterkunft in München. Mehr erfahren ✅
Explore Lingoda’s German classes in Munich. Group and Private 1:1 classes to master German at a pace that suits you.
Select cityBerlin (German)Düsseldorf (German)Frankfurt (German)Hamburg (German)Munich (German) Show German language courses in Germany Get in touch with us! Tobias has visited 44 language schools worldwide Ask us +49 234 687098-0 Mon - Fri: 3am - 1pm ...
German courses in Germany: Learn a new language in only 6 monhths! 20 Years of Teaching Experience + Quick Progress + 34k satisfied Students!
››German courses German coursesin Germany for adults (16+) in small classes, maximum number of participants is 10 (in July and August 12). The average group size is 5-8. Aside from these German classes we also offer evening courses, individual tuition, business German. ...
German language courses in Regensburg since 1986 | Learn German in Regensburg or online | on-site residence in Regensburg's medieval city centre | telc exams
German coursesin Germany for adults (16+) in small classes, maximum number of participants is 10 (in July and August 12). The average group size is 5-8. Aside from these German classes we also offer evening courses, individual tuition, business German. ...
German Language Levels German Continents, Names of German Continents Sprechen Verb Conjugation Verben Mit Vokalwechsel, Verbs with Sound Transformation in German The Life of Atatürk in German (Atatürk's Biography in German) German Stories German Story ...
German Language Courses in Munich Tandem Munich offers German language courses at all levels. We teach small groups that are interactive, motivating and cheerful. Our students are continuously encouraged to speak the target language. Leisure programme and Tandem learning partnerships included. ...
"Honors" courses in Germany are known as Leistungskurse. Students at other secondary schools have the same subjects, but usually learn only one foreign language and school attendance is shorter. While students attend a Gymnasium for 8 to 9 years, they attend a Realschule or another comprehensive...