At Germanpedia, we share high-quality, well-researched guides on German culture, investing in Germany, taxes, jobs & education in Germany, parenting, and much more in English. We are Wikipedia for foreigners to succeed in Germany.
It is available from 40 German health insurance companies. Many, however, do not accept foreigners until they have been resident here for at least two years. Pros: Choice of many tariffs, choice of doctors and hospitals (generally world-wide, though with some limitations), payment for ...
Germany is well-known for its stringent social security system. If you are working in Germany, it is essential to note down the importance of this unique document. The number validates your contribution in either of the following- statutory health insurance, statutory long-term care insurance, st...
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Foreigners may donate at most DM1,000 (HK$4,900)toaGerman party,andparties may not accept donations from abroad unless the donor [...] 外國人最多可向德國的政黨捐贈1,000馬克(4,900港 元 )。除非提供捐贈的是德國公民或主要由德資擁有的公司,否則政 ...
23 Many of the Vietnamese patients studied had lived and worked in Germany for a long time, had health insurance and access to the health care system. This may explain why the differences in periodontal status between the two groups were significant but rather small. In the multivariate ...
Citizens of all other countries planning a longer stay in Germany must apply for visas at the competent mission before arriving in the country. Such visa applications must be approved by the relevant foreigners’ authority in Germany, i.e. the foreigner’s authority in the place where the ...
According to the federal state agency IT.NRW Turks also form the largest group of migrants and foreigners in NRW. Several German studies have found that Turkish migrants possess rather traditional health-related beliefs and tend to attribute illnesses to external, fatalistic causes (destiny, age, ...
Europeans' bills could be much higher if American medicine were not doing much of their Research and Development (R & D) for them. But there are also huge weaknesses. The one most often cited—especially by foreigners—is the army of uninsured. Some 46 million Americans do not have cover....