tree 108 tree background 6 tree bark 1 tree texture 12 trees 85 trip 2 tropical 8 trout 3 truck 12 truck driver 1 trucks 3 Trump 1 Tsukiji Nippon 1 tube 13 tubs 3 Tulipop 2 Tungulending 1 tunnel 10 tunnel freezer 1 turf 1 turist 1 Turkish coffee 1 ...
Bodenpersonal n air base troops; ground crew, ground personnel, maintenance personnel, service personnel (Avn). Bodenplatte/ base plate (Mort). Bodenpunkt TO place mark (Surv). Bodenschwanz TO tail (of a bomb). Bodensicht/ ground visibility (Avn). auf Bodensicht in sight of the ground. B...
This is unavoidable as WOT tech tree rules need a tank to be better than the previous one and ergonomics are not exactly cared about, meaning that most designs are over-performing their real counterparts. Although Porsche is best known for the Ferdinand and the Maus, he worked on a plethora...
The only mapped seagrass meadow is located in the “Plantagenet Ground”. Seagrass occurrences were recorded using hydroacoustic data (side scan sonar) and could be verified using video footage. They occur in the east of the detail area on fine sand. The stock thins out to the north. ...
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. (Abraham Lincoln) A collection of full-stack resources for programmers. The goal of this page is to make you a more proficient developer. You'll find only resources that I've found truly inspiri...
German Reich (1944) Heavy Tank – Unknown, possibly up to three incomplete prototypes built Standardization of tank components was an objective the German Army pursued both before and during the war. Particular attention was given to the Panzer III and Panzer IV, which were the main sources of...
Like the deliberate braking solution at the end.View full quote Well, normally it's quite all right. Better to see the ground than above water. The drone got really fast coming down. And I always have to tell myself: "get down, come on, do it!"2024-3-27Blériot...
Thermite is bloody awful stuff to get going though once itislit it would be a literal hell in the air. Nothing worse than trying to get a smoldering airplane on the ground quickly from 40,000 feet. Ibhola Lethu•January 23, 2010 1:39 AM ...
Google updates how Bard handles math, coding questions, and string manipulation via “implicit code execution”, which lets the chatbot run code in the background— Bard, Google's beleaguered AI-powered chatbot, is slowly improving at tasks involving logic and reasoning. ...