Welcome is a tool designed to find spelling, as well as basic grammar and stylistic mistakes in German texts. This service is free, fast and without compulsory registration. Benutzen Sie diesen online Text Korrektor um ...
German grammar 0% 1 German pronunciation [0/1] Exercise: S, SS or ẞ? (Score -/-) 2 German functions of words [0/5] Exercise of the functions of words (Score -/-) Decide which gender the following German nouns have! (Score -/-) Fill in the correct article of the Germa...
etc. A real one on one experience as she focused together with learning of language in identification and correction of student weaknesses. My kid is engaged with her classes as he says are useful and fun, his progress in learning German has been noticed by all. I also like her flexibility...
–LIGHT UP YOUR GRAMMAR Help you understand the difficult parts of German learning with our artificial Intelligence correction and online courses. –LIGHT UP YOUR PRONUNCIATION Fit in with the locals and improve your German speaking skills using voice examples and audio recordings, practice makes perfe...
A method and apparatus for grammar checking a German language sentence. The grammar checker parses the sentence into a verb phrase and an initial noun phrase combination associated with the verb phrase. The grammar checker accesses a morphology table to define an initial case combination associated ...
Please do report mistakes, broken links, technical errors, typing / grammar errors, misidentifications or taxonomical updates; this will help to improve the website's accuracy. Thanks you! Fill any of the three sections (A/B/C) below and kindly submit the form. * = required fields. ...
After correction for multiple testing, one of the t-tests in each of the nine topographic clusters turned out significant [in the right central cluster with t(34) = −3.06, padj = 0.036, r = 0.46], one marginally significant [in the right posterior cluster with t(34...
–LIGHT UP YOUR GRAMMAR Help you understand the difficult parts of German learning with our artificial Intelligence correction and online courses. –LIGHT UP YOUR PRONUNCIATION Fit in with the locals and improve your German speaking skills using voice examples and audio recordings, practice makes perfe...
The grammar checker generates a combination of sentence rewrites that includes a grammatical case change to a noun phrase that corrects the case error combination.doi:US20020128819 A1Jessee, AndreaQuirmbach-brundage, YvonneHelfrich, AntjeCardon, Paul...
(2013). Written Corrective Feedback: Effects of Focused and Unfocused Grammar Correction On the Case Acquisition in L2 German. Kansas: University of KansasHuiying Sun, S. (2013). Written corrective feedback: Effects of focused and unfocused grammar correction on the case acquisition in L2 German...