In 1948-49, Germany was divided into two blocs; West Germany and East Germany. The initial flag of both East and West Germany was black, red, and gold color (the same as modern-day Germany). However, to make a clear distinction between the two flags, the national emblem of East German...
They can also be nominalized by adding an article to the color (das Blau) and stand alone that way. What do the colors of the German flag mean? The colors of the German flag were used during the wars of liberation against Napoleon when soldiers first wore them on their uniforms. They ...
convey elegance and sophistication, while a more dynamic layout can mean fun or adventure. Search our logo collection for a design then customize it according to your needs. Remember you can also research german flag logos - pay attention to their layout, color choices, design themes and fonts...
German Reich (1936-1945) Heavy Armored Car – 490 to 495 Built The Schwerer Panzerspähwagen (Fu) Sd.Kfz.232 (8 Rad) (Eng. Heavy Reconnaissance [Radio] Vehicle Sd.Kfz. 232 [8 Wheels]) was a heavy armored reconnaissance car developed by Nazi Germany during the mid-1930s, produced ...
Revolutions of 1848: Origin of the Flag of Germany: Cheering revolutionaries in Berlin, on March 19, 1848. Failures of the Revolutions By late 1848, the Prussian aristocrats including Otto von Bismarck and generals had regained power in Berlin. They were not defeated permanently during the inciden...
in the four years, feeling a lot: four years ago from the practice today uvulars began three years ago, to the student apartments and German students chatting in the north, and then to a year and a half ago walk nearly twenty German city, and now from the obscure literary meaning to ...
accompanied perhaps by a bomb, a printed appeal such as the following: ‘The German Army is at the gates of Paris; it only remains for you to surrender. (Signed) Lieutenant von Hiddessen.’ A paper with these words on it, bound up with the German flag, was picked up on the street ...
While it would be unwise to put my memory to the test by attempting to summarize all the papers, I would like to flag up one issue that I found quite interesting, namely the fact that from their papers alone one could be left with the impression that there is a great chasm between Ric...
terms for potter derived from Düppen and Topf (both meaning pot in Middle German and are derived from tief - deep, referring to "a deepened vessel"): Düpper, Dipper, Döppner, Döpner, Depper, Tepper, Töpfer, Töpper, Dopfer, Döpfner; terms for potter derived from Aul, a ...
German survivors of Morel’s camp have demanded he be tried as a war criminal, but for the Establishment media and the phony, partisan, “human rights” groups, bringing Morel to justice is simply a non-issue. After all, he murdered helpless Germans, so what’s the problem?