On 2 August 2024, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (“BMWK”) published the options paper "Electricity market design of the future - options for a secure, affordable and sustainable electricity system" (“options paper”). It has been de...
The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (“BMWK”) has published draft legislation for an amendment of the German competition act (Act Against Restraints of Competition or Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen, “GWB”). T
Draft German law implementing EU Damages Directive* On Friday, 1 July 2016, the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs finally published its draft law implementing the European Union…Alex PetrasincuChristopher Rother
This "sideways movement represents a dampener after four consecutive increases," Germany's Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) said in a statement. German industry had already been burdened by supply bottlenecks for key intermediate goods and raw materials for months, the ministr...
Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy noted in a statement that November's data showed another "weakening." "Industry continued to ratchet down its production in important industrial sectors," the statement read. Price-adjusted new orders in November 2018 for Germany's manufactu...
The German Ministry for Economic Affairs (BMWi) may review transactions falling below the relevant voting rights threshold, if so-called atypical control rights are granted to the investor (e.g. granting the investor an additional board seat or veto rights and/or access to particular information)...
who have a background in solar engineering and circular economy. SunCrafter GmbH has received funding from several sources, including the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, and the German Federal Environmental Foundation. The company ...
(ADB) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in October 2007. cdia.asia 亚洲城市发展中心成立于2007年10月,最初是作为亚洲开发银行( ADB) 和 德国 联邦经 济合 作发 展部合作的纽带。 cdia.asia [...] minerals are currently being developed inter alia ...
Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection and started in March 2020, the project aims to develop new solutions for “smart” photovoltaics. Project coordinator Jens Friebe from Leibniz University Hannover explained the goal is to “integrate inverters and digital...
presented by the German Federal Ministry for Environment at the fifteenth session of the [...] daccess-ods.un.org 通过提高能源利用、可再生能源供应、技术创新的效率实现可持 续的能源和资源效率是德国联邦环境 部 在 可持 续发 展委员会第十五届会议上提 出的小组讨论的主题。 daccess-ods.un...