Search a word in the german → english vocabulary and find translations, synonyms, antonyms and pronunciations. Consult the Dicios' online dictionary for free.
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Free German test onlineWould you like to find out how good your German skills really are? Then take a few minutes' time to complete one of the three free online German tests. Depending on how much time you have at your disposal, you can choose between the short German test or the long...
Every lesson contains a conversation about an everyday life situation. Even after the first lesson you will be able to have a little conversation. Step by step, you will learn more words and more grammar. No long instructions and explanations in English, just click on Lesson 1, and you can...
Define German language. German language synonyms, German language pronunciation, German language translation, English dictionary definition of German language. Noun 1. German language - the standard German language; developed historically from West Germa
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English - German translatorYou need an online translator for translating English into German. We honestly hope that our automatic translator will help and simplify English - German translation of texts. Our site can help you both as a translator and a dictionary for the whole text. All you need...
Learn German online. Lessons for Beginners and Advanced: 34 German lessons, German Grammar, Idioms, Quotes and 2 Online Tests
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The comprehensive online dictionary from Langenscheidt is available for free to all users and visitors of this website. To translate a German word into English, just type it into the search box to generate a list of possible English translations. Alternatively, you can enter English words to fin...