English Dictionary withapprox.220,000 entries + number generator Word:GER ↔ ENGGER → ENGENG → GER Options:whole wordcase sensitivepronunciation(IPA guide) German umlauts:äöüß Software Wordlist byFrank Richter,TU Chemnitz, Germany...
German English Dictionary:Search a word in the german english vocabulary and find translations, synonyms, antonyms and pronunciations.German → EnglishEnglish → German German to English translator: Translate phrases and texts from German into English and vice-versa with the best online translators. ...
Define German language. German language synonyms, German language pronunciation, German language translation, English dictionary definition of German language. Noun 1. German language - the standard German language; developed historically from West Germa
New and complete English-German and German-English pocket dictionary, with the pronunciation of both languages, enriched with the technical terms of the arts and sciences. For the use of business men and schools.Louis H. Tafel
Easily learn German & English with German English Dictionary & Translator app! Free download & no Internet connection required! The German English Dictionary & Translator app enables you to search German & English words with definitions, examples, pronunciation, and more. ...
The meaning of ANTI-GERMAN is opposed to or hostile toward German people, policies, or culture. How to use anti-German in a sentence.
German English Dictionary + by Ascendo, is the leading reference tool of its kind for iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch. It contains a comprehensive dictionary with over 285,000 translations, audio pronunciation (requires internet), travel phrases in eighteen categories, a vocabulary quiz tool and thousan...
Bilingual German-English and English-German Dictionary: - Instant access to translation - Comprehensive directory of over 100,000 words - 100% Offline (no internet connection) - Pronunciation of the word in German and English - An essential tool within everyone's reach, optimized for efficiency. ...
Free English to German and German to English dictionary and translator with more than 200.000 offline words, phrases, and sentences. - Offline translations - Click on a word to search for its meaning and synonyms (internet needed) - Blazing fast search - Word pronunciation in both languages (sw...
is also valuable as a learner's dictionary, giving full grammatical information and pronunciation with plenty of examples, enabling the user to handle the language with confidence. There are also lists of abbreviations, and irregular verbs, and a full explanatory preface in both German and English...