Thank you for the great work! Here is my feedback: On the German-English side, the “Verb Table”s are missing. For example, when you look for the German verb “Rechnen”, clicking on the “Verb Table” link -right under its pronunciation- does not bring any result (it is missing)....
New German Dictionary : Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache ( Entries: 229.363 Format: .mdx (for Golden…
Cambridge English-German German-English.mdx 剑桥德英英德词典,mdx文件,欧陆、MDict、GoldenDict可用,德语学习者或工作需要者下载使用,内容权威,欢迎下载 德语学习2020-03-08 上传大小:8.00MB 所需:50积分/C币 jar包olap4j- OLAP4J一个类似于JDBC驱动,能够用于访问任何OLAP服务器的Java公共类包...
Also check the German MASTER Collection (> 200 dictionaries): >200 Dictionaries for GoldenDict (mdx, dsl, bgl ,etc). A majority of them are fromRU-BOARD.COM, but also from other sources. German monolingual German bilingual: English, Chinese, Spanish, Latin,… Note: Please join the QQ gro...
The collection of audios should appear as a Dictionary available on GoldenDict ! Enjoy PS.File names were produced on Linux. There might be compatibility issues with Windows and Mac. A method to solve the issue is to compile .dsl or .mdx files from the audios. Please write in the forum...
WordReference German English Dictionary 小语种 german 1 364 2024 年4 月 11 日 LinguaLibre German Pronunciations 德语 german , pronunciation , mdx , 德语 4 710 2024 年2 月 2 日 Wörterbuch der Konnektoren, Präpositionen und Affixe 德语 德语 , german 12 1546 2024 年1 月 ...