A new map of the German Empire and the neighbouring states with their principal post roads [electronic resource]: originally published by the Royal Academy of BerlinWilliam , Faden
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flag of the German Empire German Empire, historicalempirefounded on January 18, 1871, in the wake of three short, successful wars by theNorth Germanstate ofPrussia. Within a seven-year span,Denmark, theHabsburg monarchy, andFrancehad been vanquished. The empire had its origin not in an upwell...
Map of France [electronic resource]: Map of the German EmpireWarner &
PeutingerImperialMedievalRevivalRoman"The Medieval Peutinger Map: Imperial Roman Revival in a German Empire. By Emily Albu." Imago Mundi, 68(2), pp. 242–243doi:10.1080/03085694.2016.1171506ScottFitzgeraldJohnsonInforma UK LimitedImago Mundi