WW2 German Panzer II Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf.H & Ausf.M (VK9.03) German Reich (1940-1942) Light/Reconnaissance Tank – At Least 1 Prototype Hull Completed At the start of the Second World War, the Panzer I and Panzer II light tanks far outnumbered any of the other tanks in the ...
Uprooted by WW2 and German division, US Embassy returns to historic Berlin addressPATRICK McGROARTY
In the second half of the nineteenth century, Germany embarked on a process of rapid urbanization and industrialization that changed the relation between city and country and brought forth new forms of class division and solidarity. There was no single period in German history, as the comparison o...
Divisionsgruppe 57 Divisionsgruppe 82 Divisionsgruppe 95 Divisionsgruppe 112 Divisionsgruppe 113 Divisionsgruppe 123 Divisionsgruppe 125 Divisionsgruppe 137 Divisionsgruppe 161 Divisionsgruppe 167 Divisionsgruppe 183 Divisionsgruppe 197 Divisionsgruppe 216 Divisionsgruppe 217 Divisionsgruppe 223 Divisionsgruppe 251...
90th panzergrenadier division Italy 1943Nebeltruppen's Sd.Kfz.10/3 reconfigured as prime mover for the 105 cm Nebelwerfer, Russia 1942Sd.Kfz.10 with the Fallschirmjäger in Rome, 1944Nebeltruppen's Sd.Kfz.10/2 reconfigured as prime mover for the 21 cm Nebelwerfer, Normandy 1944...
remit was to confiscate property of private art collectors in the GDR through a division of the Ko-Ko called "Kunst und Antiquitaten" ( Art and Antiques) They conducted secret grand sales of Art, and Antiques that had been confiscated from the East Germany collectors, The BND, (West Germa...
The Germans considered Russian equipment as poor and when employed it was generally turned over to German allied formations and police units rather than front line units. Perhaps the sole large scale use of the T-34 was by the Das reich division at Kursk which employed 12 of them. ...
The 46.Infanterie-Division was initially held in OKH reserve at Beverungenon the western frontier for the beginning of the 1940 invasion of France onMay 10, 1940. Released on May 13, 1940 for combat operations, the divisionwas a part of XXXVIII.Armeekorps/4.Armee/Armeegroup B where it sa...
German Reich (1936-1945) Heavy Armored Car – 490 to 495 Built The Schwerer Panzerspähwagen (Fu) Sd.Kfz.232 (8 Rad) (Eng. Heavy Reconnaissance [Radio] Vehicle Sd.Kfz. 232 [8 Wheels]) was a heavy armored reconnaissance car developed by Nazi Germany during the mid-1930s, produced ...