die, stamp Patron: 1. patron Patrone: 1. cartridge Patrouille: 1. patrol Pause: 1. break, intermission, pause, recess Pavian: 1. baboon Pavillon: 1. pavilion Paß: 1. passport Pech: 1. pitch Pedal: 1. pedal Pein: 1. torment Peitsche: 1. whip Peking: 1. Peiping, Peking Pelikan...
The words Rose and Rosetten are slang words for the anus, so Rosettenkrauler has the meaning of the one that deals with his partner’s anus in sex, for this reason, it is used as slang for the homosexual man that we could translate into the English language as eyelets scratcher. ...
This is a list ofGermanexpressions used inEnglish; some relatively common (e.g.hamburger), most comparatively rare. In many cases, the Germanborrowingin English has assumed a meaning substantially different from its German forebear. English and German both descended from theWest Germanic language, ...
Their name for themselves,die Deutschen(seeDutch), dates from 12c. Roman writers also usedTeutonias a German tribal name, and writers in Latin after about 875 commonly refer to the German language asteutonicus(seeTeutonic). Meaning "the German language" in English is from 1748.High German(182...
With thege-prefixit becameGlied, the German word forlimb/body partwith the core idea of “what bends”. The sense ofledig(unbound) comes from the notion of being flexible. In English, the wordlimbis the only offspring I could find mentioned in etymological sources. ...
Define Old High German. Old High German synonyms, Old High German pronunciation, Old High German translation, English dictionary definition of Old High German. n. High German from the middle of the 800s to about 1100. American Heritage® Dictionary of
We all have hopes and dreams, but if your dreams are extravagant, you might be accused ofLuftschlösser bauen[looft-shles-uhbou-in ], or “buildingcastles in the air.” The German verbbauenmeans to “build.”DasLuftschloss(dieLuftschlösserin the plural) is a “daydream” or “pipe ...
Play Timur Baytukalov. A Complete Guide to Language Learning. Part 1: Learning Pronunciation Free Webinar "Phonetic transcription for fast language learning" (20 min.) To develop this translator, we used information from different sources mentioned on this page. The phonetic transcription was taken...
Weltanschauung,or “worldview,” was introduced into German by the philosopher Immanuel Kant in his 1790 pieceCritique of Judgment, though the term did not migrate to English until the 1800s. Combiningweltmeaning “world” andanschauungmeaning “perception,” the word denotes a comprehensive concept...
not transfer well from one language to another. The word for "sun" is masculine in Spanish (el sol) but feminine in German (die sonne). A German moon is masculine (der mond), while a Spanish moon is feminine (la luna). German gender rules are enough to drive an English speaker ...