(wounds, illness, deaths, MIAs), the processing of these cases including personal status control and official grave service. In August 1943 the Wehrmacht Information Office was moved to Thuringia, part of it being stored in Saalfeld and part in Meiningen. After the occupation of Thuringia, from...
After all, in the 1860s, there were a number of German states, like Bavaria, Hanover, and Saxony, which, in terms of either land mass or population, were quite comparable to Germany's medium-sized states (not counting colonies or in Denmark's case Greenland), and these non-German state...
He writes: “This is many more Germans than died in battle, air raids and concentration camps during the war. Millions of these people slowly starved to death in front of the victors’ eyes every day for years.” Adding: “These deaths have never been honestly reported by either the Allie...
the reality is that the whole of the UK, including NE population centres Aberdeen, Fraserburgh and Peterhead came under intensive aerial bombardment, resulting in many civilian deaths and massive destruction of property.
[4][5][6] After the Soviet Union dissolved, evidence from the Soviet archives was declassified and researchers were allowed to study it. This contained official records of 799,455 executions (1921–1953),[7] around 1.7 million deaths in the Gulag,[8][9] some 390,000[10] deaths during ...
Who waits years before stopping perverts from harming children? Who waits years to protect drug addicts from those who facilitate their deaths? Instead, this was clearly an evidence gathering raid YEARS after it had first appeared on the radar of European law enforcement. ...
In this case as well, it was the jewish commissars who had done this. And that’s why the local Ukrainians had carried out pogroms against the jews. And so, whenever a Ukrainian saw a jew, he immediately killed him. But we were blamed for these deaths, even though we had no influen...
Thanks, Kai-Petri, A little more news, about the start of it all . After the end of WW2, in 1945, German pow's having been sent to Canada, and the...
I think after WW2 because the tank guns were so powerful, tank designers just gave up on protection. The Panther showed them that a tank weighing 40 tons was mobile so they put on as much armor as they could while trying to hold to that limit and took the ...
IG Farben, (German: “Syndicate of Dyestuff-Industry Corporations”), world’s largest chemical concern, or cartel, from its founding in Germany in 1925 until its dissolution by the Allies after World War II. The IG (Interessengemeinschaft, “syndicate”