5. Circumstances that require a German citizen to get a visa instead of an ESTA.The ESTA is only for German citizens who plan a trip of 90 days or less, are travelling by air or sea, and do not already have a valid visa to travel to the USA.Furthermore, German citizens need a ...
If you are a German citizen and need to travel to the US to attend a wedding, you obviously would be interested to know the process and the documents you need. Well, the good news for you is that you do not need to get a US visa to visit the United States. Instead o...
Yes.Germanyis among the eligible countries because it hasn’t sent a high number of immigrants to theUSin recent years. As aGerman citizen, you can apply for theDV Lotteryeasily. You can check theUSAGov websitefor a list of all eligible countries. ...
Travel As a Dual Citizen. Do You Know Which Passport to Use When? More Posts from this Category Advertisements Follow us on Twitter My Tweets DW-Top News Germany German election: Parties wrap up campaigning The conservative CDU/CSU alliance under Friedrich Merz is ahead in the polls, with the...
Returning to Germany Hallo, I have a few questions that I hope you can help me with. I am an American citizen working for the U.S. Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany. I have permanent full resident permit status - unlimited, as well as the working ...
EnglishNativeGermanC1 Hello, all! I am a 27-year-old German-American citizen with a passion for teaching and childcare. I was raised in America and graduated from my American university with a degree in English education and have a total of six years of experience working with children from...
German citizen: flying from Germany to Philippines to Beijing then to Germa...
NEWS: German citizenship act opens more opportunities for persons withGerman descentto acquire citizenship - Do you have a parent of German origin, who was German citizen at the time of your birth irrespectively of the birth date ? - Are you born after 23.05.1949 and before 01.01.1975 ?
Do I need a visa to travel to Macau for the day from Hong Kong?
USA United States Army Vet Veterinary Z of I Zone of the InteriorGERMAN-ENGLISH MILITARY DICTIONARY A Abbau m dismantling (a structure, etc.); mining (ore). abbauen to dismantle (a structure, etc.); to mine (ore). abbefördern evacuate (PW, wounded, etc.). Abbildung / illustration, ...