Aufgrund der Variabilität der Antworten für den gleichen Stimulus sowohl innerhalb der einzelnen Themen und über Themen in einer Gruppe, werden Antworten als Prozent der Studien, die wie jedes Phonem wahrgenommen wurden gezeigt. ASD Themen gehört, die Gehör Silbe "ba" in einem gr...
The COVID-19 pandemic posed challenges to governments in terms of contact tracing. Like many other countries, Germany introduced a mobile-phone-based digital contact tracing solution (“Corona Warn App”; CWA) in June 2020. At the time of its release, ho
Cagan, R. Cell fate specification in the developing Drosophila. retina. Dev Suppl. 19 (1993). Bate, M., Arias, A. M. Pattern formation in the Drosophila. retina. The Development of Drosophila melanogaster. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Cold Spring Harbor. 1277-1325 (1993). Larson,...
2018). In addition to questions as to whether a cell phone is an adequate device with which to access educational materials, participate in video conferences, or communicate with peers and teachers, it is likely that, while some children and teens possess multiple devices, others have limited, ...
Infectious complications are the major cause of morbidity and mortality after solid organ and stem cell transplantation. To better understand host and envi