Worksheet -Body words bridg10 62355/100Club Other interesting lessons and exercises to learn German: 1 5 senses mfdjai1 86147.5/100Club 2 Body anonyme29958.5/100Club 3 Body anonyme56253/100Club 4 Body flori1030659/100Club 5 Body parts
German Language ActivitiesToday's featured page:Write Adverbs by Category: Printable Worksheet German Theme Page A Picture Dictionary, Information, Quizzes, and Printouts to ColorClick Here for K-3 Themes ShortBooksin German to Print ...
German idioms deutschen idiomen Raucht Ihnen der Kopf (does your head smoke) when studying German? Idioms Idioms are phrases or expressions that are unique to a particular language. Defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as “A speech form or an expression of a given language that is pecu...