At twelve, the Jungmädel must pass the Jungmädel athletic test, and besides some more physical standards, are to be familiar with organizations and structure of the party and the Hitler Youth. The Jungmädel receives a merit badge, but only when her whole Jungmädel group has passed ...
Armeebrief stelle / army postal station. Armeefeldlazarett n army surgical hospital. Armeegebiet n army area. Armeegruppe/ task force usually comprising one army and miscellaneous units. Armeeintendant m army Intendant (Adm official at army Hq in charge of rations, clothing, equipment, pay, etc...
2.3German Army Special Forces Command First established in 1996, and activated in April 1997, the German Special Forces Command (Das Deutsche Kommando Spezialkräfte), commonly known as KSK, is the home of the German Army’s Special Forces. ...