German Reich (1942-1944) Self-Propelled Superheavy Siege Guns – None Built “It seemed like a good idea at the time” Times of war can lead to unorthodox solutions to unforeseen problems. Sometimes these are successful; the Duplex Drive tank, the jet engine, night vision, and reactive armo...
Armeenachrichtenabteilung / army signal battalion. Armeenachrichtenregiment n army signal regiment. Armeenachschubführer m commander of army services of supply (also known as Kommandeur der Armeenachschubtruppen) . Armeeoberkommando n high command of an army, army headquarters (abbr. OAK). Armeesani...
237U14- Army Gebirgsjager reversible light weight parka. This heavy cotton parka was worn by the mountain troops of the Heer. This unissued example features three front chest pockets. The neck area closes for protection from the wind with three more ascending buttons that close near the facial ...