Except for large settlements in Texas, San Francisco, and Florida, German American settlement is still largely contained within the German belt. The number of German Americans has remained constant. From 1850 to 1970 German was the most widely used language in the United States after English. ...
But the truth has leaked to some of the formerly brainwashed Germans and Americans! Even a large percentage of American High-school Students do not believe the Jewish Holocaust existed. Even though the Germans cannot speak much of WW2 truth in Communist-Jew-USA-“Germany” without going to pris...
U.S. Americans who identify not only with being U.S. citizens but also as being members of ethnic groups -Woodro willson (progressive era individuals) spoke out against them Hyper-assimilation Germans felt pressured (one of the only groups) ...
With the advent of WWI – the American government, under the auspices of the Alien Property Custodian, proceeded to seize German and Austrian firms in Manila including their branches in the provinces; among them was the Manila Drug Co. (Botica Boie). The founder of Botica Cruz and terminated ...
U-boats attacked not only food and oil supplies bound for the British Isles, but passenger ships as well. On May 7, 1915,U-20torpedoed the linerLusitaniaoff the coast of Ireland and killed nearly 1,200 passengers, including 128 Americans. Alarmed at the prospect of an American entry into...
However, this affection for German Americans dramatically ended at America’s declaration of war on Germany during WWI. Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare against American civilian ships infamously let the public hold grudge against German Americans. Abruptly, German curricula were revoked, German ...
This song was not written during WWII, but rather WWI! Interestingly(because of its political implications during WWII: Rommel’s Afrikakorps,other than capturing the Suez Canal, was also fighting for the return ofthe former German colonies in Africa), it was a song sung by the “DeutscheSchu...
Jean Jacques Waitz, a French propagandist and Alsatian artist code-named "Hansi,” talked about his time writing propaganda for the French in WWI in his 1922 bookThrough Enemy Lines. Here, he mentions the GermanGazette des Ardennes: The Germans, at the same time, were already powerfully equip...
Walter Leopold was a German Jew living in Leipzig; becoming a war hero during WWI. He lived through the difficult times of the pre-WWII Nazi regime and when the war broke out, found himself an employee at the Leipzig Jewish Community office. There Walter witnessed how colleagues could turn ...
German Leaflet to Americans on the Western front The review mentions prosecution Exhibit 49. I have seen the transcript and it describes the leaflet thusly: This exhibit, received, in evidence shows apparently a dead soldier, apparently in an American uniform, draped over a machine gun with the...