The following article on WW2 vehicles is an excerpt from Barrett Tillman’ D-Day Encyclopedia. It is available for order now fromAmazonandBarnes & Noble. This article focuses on WW2 vehicles used by Americans, the British, and Germans. The types of vehicles varied greatly on the theatre of w...
It really was theBritish in North Africa who adopted the song and made it popularamong the Allies. Marlene Dietrich, who always knew a good thing when shesaw it, simply jumped on the band wagon and cashed in on it after theAmericans arrived in North Africa in 1943. Or perhaps it was ...
The German diaspora in the Americas is generally highly assimilated. This is most notable in the United States, where German Americans are the country’s largest ethnic population. Few populations have left as important a cultural impact upon the United States as its immense German historical popula...
On the 01.07.1945, immediately before Soviet troops took over in Thuringia, the Americans moved the WASt to Fürstenhagen near Kassel. At the end of January 1946 the WASt returned to Berlin and received its present name, which is a literal translation of the American designation. On the ...
According to Bacque, given the extraordinarily harsh conditions imposed upon them by the Allies (i.e., the British, French, Soviets, and Americans), at least 9.3 million and possibly as many as 13.7 million Germans, had, by 1950, needlessly died as a result. ...
Question: How many German soldiers died in WW1? World War I The war to end all wars, or so it was called. World War I would come to see multiple countries become involved with the conflict that would stretch across Europe. The number of resources, money, and lives spent on the war,...
Dr. Walter Leopold faced this question in real time, and shares his story of Jewish resistance in this shocking WW2 diary. Through the eyes of a self-declared “revolutionary Jew” we follow Walter into the hell of the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1938, from which he is miraculously ...
Sure, I also get a hatred for “all Poles” when reading such comments but than again it is not all of them, many white Americans and especially the English… Read more » Reply Lady Cat Reply to Cringe Wignat 2 years ago they’ll be thanked just like they were in Katyn ...
That said, the areas where these cities were established at had previously been inhabitted by other peoples (Native Americans, Aboriginal Australians). But these native peoples never formed the majority of population within the cities themselves, as colonists from European great powers always ...
However, the Americans expect the German side to make an offer, too." writes the edition. "The Germans must offer a package solution. Otherwise, we will not be able to remove the topic of Nord Stream 2 from the agenda," Handelsblatt quotes "one of the US officials who participated in ...