The German words for colorsusually function as adjectives and take the normal adjective endings (but see exceptions below). In certain situations, colors can also be nouns and are thus capitalized: "eine Bluse in Blau" (a blouse in blue); "das Blaue vom Himmel versprechen" (to promise heave...
See the chart below for a summary of this plural group in all cases. In this chart, nom. stands for nominative, acc. stands for accusative, dat. stands for dative and gen. is genitive. Plural Nouns With -e Endings Read more aboutplural nounshere....
If you've already learned about German cases, then you're no stranger to the notion of word genders and adjective endings. If not, you may want to review my 5-part guide on the German cases. Which pronoun to use depends on whether you're using the nominative, accusative, dative, or ...
From this, we can easily parse out the phrasesin einem deutschen Gasthaus,einen Fernseher sehenandin dem Hintergrund. That means in the future when you want to say, for instance, “in a Mexican restaurant” you can simply switch the adjective while keeping the endings intact:in einemmexikanis...