First of all, the letter j (sounds similar to the word “yacht”) is always pronounced with a “yuh” sound in German. The “uar” combination is also a great one to learn here. Any German word with this vowel combination will be pronounced this way. Some great related words to learn...
A simpler way if you can’t type the German umlauts ä, ö, ü If you cannot write the German umlauts with your keyboard, just write the vowel without the dots and then add ane: ä = ae ö = oe ü = ue For exampleküssenbecomeskuessen(to kiss). s You should also take a...
TheGermanUmlaut, the two dots sometimes placed over the German vowels a, o and u (as inÖsterreich), is a critical element in German spelling. The umlauted vowels ä, ö, and ü (and their capitalized equivalents Ä, Ö, Ü) are actually a shortened form for ae, oe and ue,...