GAPNs certification No 5,148 (96.55) 2.83 ± 0.57 63.241 a <0.001 Yes 184 (3.45) 3.15 ± 0.62 Note: Data are n(%) and Mean ± SD. GAPNs = geriatric advanced practical nurses. a t-test; b ANOVA. 3.2. The levels of geriatric nursing competence The total score of geriatric nursing...
and provide childhood immunizations.39PediatricCertification NursingBoard Pediatric nurse practitioners that work inacute care settingsreceive specialized training and inpatient clinical experiences that focus on the stabilization of acute illness, prevention and management and complications, and restoration to ma...
While our sample size during the pilot did not allow evaluation of pre-post competency improvement, the pilot evaluation suggested that the implementation of the present model, with 50% dedicated HIV continuity of care, did not adversely impact completion of the national AGNP certification examination...