老年抑郁量表 (Geriatric Depression Scale, GDS-15)批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 附录N老年抑郁量表(Geriatric Depression Scale, GDS-15) 项目 是(1分) 否(0分) 1.您对生活基本上满意吗? 2.您是否已放弃了许多活动与兴趣? 3.您是否觉得生活空虚? 4.您是否常感到厌烦? 5.您是否大部分时间...
depressionelderlynormsObjectives. This study aims to examine the psychometric properties of the short version of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15), which was designed to detect depressive symptoms, assess its distribution of scores and the effect of demographic variables, to present the ...
The 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) detects changes in depressive symptoms after a major negative life event. The Leiden 85-plus Study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2004; 19 (1):80–84. doi: 10.1002/gps.1043. [ Cross Ref ]D. J. Vinkers,J. Gussekloo,M. L. Stek,R. ...
Usefulness of the 15-item geriatric depression scale (GDS-15) for classifying minor and major depressive disorders among community-dwelling elders.Journal of Affective Disorders. 2019;259:370-375. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2019.08.053 Brañez-Condorena A, Soriano-Moreno DR, Navarro-Flores A, Solis-Chi...
Elder depressives approach physicians for their medical problems, but the detection of their depression is poor. This study aimed to explore the screening for depressive symptoms using a 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) in medical clinics. The study was carried out in outpatient setting of...
The Geriatric depression scale (GDS) is a validated self-administered questionnaire, and consists of 30 (long form) or 15 (short form) items. The cut-off score is 11 and 7 for the long and short forms, respectively (Yesavage et al., 1982). The reliability of this scale decreases as ...
老年抑郁量表GDS (The Geriatric Depression Scale) 指导语:每一个条目有两个选项“是”或“否”,选择最切合您最近一周来的感受的答案。 是否 l.你对生活基本上满意吗? 2.你是否已放弃了许多活动与兴趣? 3.你是否觉得生活空虚? 4.你是否常感到厌倦?
This 15-question short version of the Geriatric Depression Rating Scale is intended to highlight the presence of depressive symptoms in older people...
(v) depression was based on the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15), result of which helped classify patients into normal patients (GDS-15 < 4) and patients at risk of depression (GDS-15 ≥ 4); (vi) Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI), cross-sectionally taken from ...
[The Geriatric Depression Scale] (Brink,Yesavage,Lum,Heersema,Adey,&Rose,1982) 简介 1982年Brink等人创制老年抑郁量表(GDS)作为专用老年人的抑郁筛查表。 由于老年人躯体主诉多,所以许多老人其躯体主诉在这个年龄阶段属于正常范围,却被误诊为抑郁症。设计GDS是为了更敏感地检查老年抑郁患者所特有的躯体症状。另外...