Certifications:Certification requires education qualifications (nursing, counseling, gerontology) and supervision, work experience, written exams and ongoing continuing education to maintain the certificate. Following are the 4 certifications currently offered. Care Manager Certified (CMC) Certified Case Manager ...
University of Washington Experience: Senior Care Pharmacy Content in the Core and Geriatric Certificate CurriculumsLam, Annie YPlein, JoyLakey, SusanDawson, KaranGray, Shelly LMurphy, Nanci LOdegard, Peggy Soule
(NCSBN) developed the Consensus Model in 2008. According to the model, APRNs are required to obtain a formal education with a graduate degree or postgraduate certificate by an accredited university.18Their education must include, at a minimum, three graduate level courses in advancedpathophysiology...
Geriatric aides or home health care aides work in nursing homes, assisted living facilities and private residences. They are responsible for providing care to elderly patients who are too ill, cognitively impaired or physically disabled to care for thems