该基因表达最强的范例是大型地雀(Geospiza magnirostris),它们能用强有力的喙咬开很大的种子和坚果。在其他地雀中,一个表 …niaolei.org.cn|基于13个网页 2. 大嘴地雀 ...雀(Geospiza fuliginosa)」、「大嘴地雀(Geospiza magnirostris)」、「勇地雀(Geospiza fortis)」为例,当三种地雀 …nature.edu.tw|...
大型地雀(Geospiza magnirostris),伊莎贝拉岛,加拉帕戈斯群岛,厄瓜多尔,加拉帕戈斯雀,达尔文雀,南美洲 去除背景 风格转换 画面扩展 基本信息 ID:VCG211373755550 作者/来源:imageBROKER/Therin-Weise/Image Broker 最大尺寸:45.00 x 29.99 cm (17.72 x 11.81 in.)...
照片 关于 大地面雀科(Geospiza magnirostris),在圣克鲁斯岛的男性. 图片 包括有 男性, 敌意, 野生生物 - 67034488
大地雀(Geospiza magnirostris),圣克鲁斯岛,加拉帕戈斯群岛,太平洋 中地雀,加拉帕戈斯群岛,太平洋 灰莺雀,Espanola岛,加拉帕戈斯群岛,太平洋 太平洋加拉帕戈斯群岛啄木鸟 小地雀,加拉帕戈斯群岛,太平洋 中地雀(Geospiza fortis),弗罗里亚纳岛,加拉帕戈斯群岛,太平洋 小地雀,弗罗里亚纳岛,加拉帕戈斯群岛,太平洋 太平洋加拉帕戈斯群岛...
the mitochondrial genome of Geospiza magnirostris has been sequenced and the study explored the characteristics of the complete genome of G.magnirostris and verified the evolutionary position of it.The 13 PCGs initiated by ATN codons.The stop codons of three PCGs(ND2,COX3 and ND4)were ...
magnirostris; cactus finchG. scandens; large cactus finchG. conirostris; sharp-billed finchG. difficilis; small tree finchC. parvulus; large tree finchCamarhynchus psittacula; medium tree finchC. pauper; woodpecker finchC. pallidus; vegetarian finchPlatyspiza crassirostris; Cocos finchPinaro...
Daphne, G. magnirostris (0) from I. Genovesa and G. conirostris (L) from I. Genovesa (G) and I. Espafiola (E).doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1982.tb05432.xB. R. GRANTP. R. GRANTJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdEvolutionGrant, B. R. & Grant, P. R. 1982 Niche shifts and competition in ...
There is no details about Geospiza magnirostris 's control region, who is the only species of Geospiza in Darwin finches whose mitochondrial genome has been sequenced. In this study, the control region mitochondrial genome of G. magnirostris was analyzed. Compare research for 15 Passerine ...
Geospiza magnirostris , an island species, was listed as of Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species; human entrapment, habitat destruction, predators, and competitors from the mainland have reduced its population. In this study, we first determined and described the ...
Geospiza magnirostrisMitochondrial genomeComparative analysisEvolution analysisPhylogenetic relationshipsDarwin's finches are the most classic case of evolution. Early studies on the evolution of this species were mainly based on morphology. Until now, the mitochondrial genome of belongs to the morphological...