一个新的 3D FLOW 示例模拟三氯乙烯从受污染的浅层地下水位化学挥发到上覆 3D 建筑物地下室的裂缝中。 GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2023安装激活 本版搜集自网络,以下教程来自压缩包内的Readme.txt 1,双击GeoStudio-x64_11.3.2.23783-Full.exe,选择安装语言简体中文 自定义选择软件安装目录安装GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 202...
2023新版特色 一、介绍SLOPE3D 1、几何定义的跨越式互操作性 使用Leapfrog地质模型设置3D几何图形,因为Leapfrog和GeoStudio之间具有直接互操作性。或者,从文件导入背景网格,或使用GeoStudio中提供的3D几何创建工具构建域。 2、高效定义滑动面 使用全局(布谷鸟)和局部(入口和出口)滑动面搜索方法分析潜在的故障区域。布谷鸟...
软件标签:Geosolve GWALL 2023 Geosolve GWALL Geosolve GWALL软件是领先的挡土墙分析软件,轻松解决在挡土墙处理过程中的各种计算、分析功能,支持多种形状和类型的挡土墙,支持悬臂墙、锚固墙、明挖回填结构、整体桥梁和抗震荷载等,独特对策方法,准确的施工顺序的建模以及负载和约束等,快速的编辑处理,加快过程,除...
GWALL(重力和悬臂墙分析程序)分析各种挡土墙问题,包括重力墙和带底座的悬臂墙。 SLOPE是一个用于分析斜坡稳定性的程序。该程序也适用于地压和承载力问题。可选设施可用于加筋土的分析和设计。 WALLAP是一个用于分析悬臂式和支撑式挡土墙稳定性的程序。WALLAP适用于临时工程(如钢板桩墙)和永久性工程(如钢筋混凝土...
SLOPE stabilitySAFETY factor in engineeringFINITE element methodEMBANKMENTSGOVERNMENT propertyThe prevalent landslides in the Kashmir Himalaya are the result of a combination of several geo-environmental parameters in a precarious terrain and extensive developmental activities. The Ramban-Gool road network is ...
This study proposes a method for extracting structural planes from UAV images based on Geo-AINet ensemble learning. The UAV images of the slope are first used to generate a dense point cloud through a pipeline of SfM and PMVS; then, the multiple geological semantics, including ...
This work integrates topographic slope with other geo-environmental flood-causing factors in order to improve the accuracy of flood prediction and susceptibility mapping using logistic regression (LR) model. The work was done for the eastern Jeddah watersheds in Saudi Arabia, where flash floods ...
By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Robotics & Machine Learning Daily News 鈥 Fresh data on Support Vector Machines are presented in a new report. According to news reporting from Hebei, People's Republic of China, by NewsRx journalists, research stated, "Regional geohazards susceptibility...
However,\nmodification of the flow velocity and flow depth on or just downstream of the embankment can alter the scouring. The scour\ndevelopment was evaluated by investigating different-sized horizontal steps (an indirect method) or applying a geo-grid or\nrigid moat structure downstream of the...