OMSCS 是 Georgia Tech 的一个在线计算机硕士项目。因为欧美国家尤其美国的online degree的成熟度和社会认...
Georgia Tech的课业负担很重,但对于中国学生而言,个人感觉不会有任何问题。在与该项目的 Academic Advis...
我是2019年入学Georgia Tech OMSCS的,online master of science in computer science. 背景: 本科:国内普通一本,专业材料成型 硕士:C9(所以就知道是哪所学校了吧),专业材料工程,所以本质是个工科女 硕士毕业后又申请来美国读书了,专业是statistics,所以现在是两个graduate program一起上,不过我每学期只在GATech选一...
I'm a Machine Learning Engineer at Stripe. Before that, I received Ph.D. in Computer Science at Georgia Tech where I was advised by Dr. Polo Chau. My PhD research focuses on addressing fundamental challenges in understandinghow machine learning models worksandwhat they have learned: ...
Pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science at Georgia Tech I am working on a BS in Computer Science and plan to work in full-stack software development after I graduate from college. I’ve completed courses in logic, the principles of programming, object-oriented programming,datastructures, and......
Georgia Tech Student Specialized in CS and History Tutoring I received a composite score of 1520 on the SAT (800 Math score and 720 Reading and Writing score) and I received a score of 5 on the following AP exams: AP BC Calculus, AP Computer Science A, AP Biology,APUnited StatesHistory...
$659/hr$7,899$1,294/hr$15,528$460$924$1,196 MasterofCity&RegionalPlanning(MCRP)$633/hr$7,595$1,269/hr$15,223$460$924$1,196 MSinGeographicInformationScience&Tech(MSGIST)$614/hr$7,358$1,249/hr$14,986$460$924$1,196 PhD(joint)inBiomedicalEng(BMED)$684/hr$8,203$1,783/hr$21...
佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology),简称 Georgia Tech,也被简称为 Gatech 或 GT,建校于 1885 年,是坐落于美国东南部第一大城市亚特兰大的世界顶尖研究型大学。佐治亚理工学院是北美顶尖大学联盟 AAC 的成员校,也是公立常春藤名校之一,在 2019 年《US
我本科就读于电子科技大学,后在Gatech佐治亚理工学院完成了CS硕士学位,后成功在本校攻读CSE PHD。如果你...