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At Georgia School of Orthodontics, outstanding service and patient care is our top priority. Your positive experience means a lot to us, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with excellent care! Jennifer Brainin2 months ago
Welcome! Our office provides specialized dentistry for children and adolescents in a warm, caring, and "child-friendly" environment. As pediatric dentists, our 2-3 years of additional training after dental school has prepared us for the unique dental needs of each child we serve. We focus on ...
Human embryology: By Joseph Krafka, Jr., M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Microscopic Anatomy, University of Georgia School of Medicine, Illustrated, New York, Paul B. Hoeber, Inc., 1944doi:10.1016/0096-6347(45)90215-8NoneELSEVIERAmerican Journal of Orthodontics & Oral Surgery...