Frequently Asked Questions About Georgia Criminal Law What is the Difference Between a Misdemeanor and a Felony? The main difference between a misdemeanor and a felony is the severity of the crime. Less serious or minor offenses are classified as misdemeanors. Some examples include public intoxication...
Criminal records are public records. Every year these records get more accessible, through cheap and even free online records searches and background checks. One day soon, your criminal charge could show up anytime someone does a Google search for your name. But there are always defenses, and ...
Are Georgia court records public? All records in the court must be public according to Georgia law. Orders of the court, motions, pleadings, evidence, transcripts, etc. can all be accessed publicly. A court can deny providing a court record, but the privacy of the record must be more imp...
It is not unheard of that the otherwise stand-up members of society find themselves embroiled with law enforcement. It is natural for you or your loved one to feel overwhelmed and confused when faced with criminal charges. On such occasions, it is essential to remember that you need to prot...
Georgia Sex Offense Law is an online reference for attorneys and the public that discusses legal issues affecting the defense of individuals accused of sex offenses in Georgia. It is published byBrody Law Firm—a boutique criminal defense firm in Atlanta that specializes in the defense of sex off...
Accidents resulting in serious injuries or death that involve alcohol or drug consumption are among the most intensely prosecuted and litigated cases in criminal law. The reason for the intensity of the prosecution of these offenses is clear and need not be discussed at-length here. Our purpose ...
"We have found … people have … three lives. They have a public life, a private life, and a secret life," said Insogna. "Do you believe Kay Wenal had a secret life?" Moriarty asked. "I believe she did, yes," Insogna replied. "And that's where I believe the answer lies." ...
The proposal to make school librarians subject to criminal penalties if they violate state obscenity laws, Senate Bill 154, is even more controversial. Current law exempts public librarians, as well as those who work for public schools, colleges and universities, from penalties for...
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Facing a criminal charge? With 200+ trials under our belt, the Law Offices of J. Lee Webb can help you! Schedule your FREE consult with an Athens criminal lawyer.