it normally includes politicians. Depending on the charge, the penalty for a crime against public administration can range from significant prison time, fines, or both. OurGeorgia Criminal Justice Attorneysunderstand the consequences that a criminal charge can have on your position. We are prepared ...
"Karen worked for Hal and she promoted herself as Hal's right-hand man," Sgt. Richter said. "…and Karen was an obvious suspect of ours. Because she was close with Hal, both Hal and Kay. …And in any investigation, you're gonna start with who's closest to them." So close, that...
This document is public knowledge, even if you weren’t convicted of a crime. The difference between an arrest record and a criminal record is that the criminal record records the conviction and sentence, whereas the arrest record simply states that one was charged with an offense and isn’t...
Both Blackmon and Jennings resigned before formal charges were brought against them. JQC Director Courtney Veal said there aren’t any public filings detailing the allegations against Blackmon. “I can confirm that his resignation was due to our investigation,” Veal said Thursday. ...
The Fulton County, Georgia, district attorney has opened a criminal investigation into Donald Trump's alleged attempts to influence the outcome of the presidential election in the state, which helost narrowly to Joe Biden. The prosecutor, Fani Willis, sent letters Wednesday morning to Georgia Govern...
Facing a criminal charge? With 200+ trials under our belt, the Law Offices of J. Lee Webb can help you! Schedule your FREE consult with an Athens criminal lawyer.
Georgia Sex Offense Law is an online reference for attorneys and the public that discusses legal issues affecting the defense of individuals accused of sex offenses in Georgia. It is published byBrody Law Firm—a boutique criminal defense firm in Atlanta that specializes in the defense of sex off...
Over the past decade or so, the Georgia DUI defense bar has made a concerted effort to inform the public of certain rights that they have during a DUI investigation. Despite this effort, most of the public and some lawyers have a great deal of confusion about what preliminary breath test ...
Over the past decade or so, theGeorgia DUI defensebar has made a concerted effort to inform the public of certain rights that they have during a DUI investigation. Despite this effort, most of the public and some lawyers have a great deal of confusion about what preliminary breath test resul...