Georgia law firm specializing in business incorporations, wills and estate planning. Located in Atlanta, GA.
You may need to change your will if you move to a new state, marry, divorce, have a child, acquire substantial property, or suffer the loss of a loved one. Tax law changes may also require a will update. Read your will at least once a year to consider changes. You can make the c...
Seniors can get the help they need within the field of elder law. Elder Law Attorneys use various types ofpowers of attorneyto name agents to make financial and health care decisions in case of incapacity; wills and various types of trusts for estate planning; and irrevocable trusts for asset...
Wills & Living Trusts You can create a living trust with a simple trust document and change it at any time. You can transfer all of your assets to the trust but continue to use and manage them during your lifetime. What You Should Know... ...