2024, 2025 Tax Year Income Tax Return Deadlines April 15, 2026 2022 Georgia Income Tax Return Refund The last day to file and claim your 2022 Georgia Income Tax Return. This deadline does not apply if you owe Income Taxes. After that date your 2022 tax refund will expire. Seedetails on...
The General Assembly also passed HB 1058, which allows affiliated groups to elect to file a consolidated return for Georgia corporate income tax purposes. Current law only allows taxpayers to file on a consolidated basis if the Department of Revenue grants them permission to do so. Con...
give $1 billion of state income tax refunds and even give $350 to every person in the state on public assistance. He also pledged another income tax break and a property tax break if reelected, portraying the cash as helping Georgians "fight through...
State revenues are currently on track to come in well above what was expected, but legislative leaders warn revenues might still be reduced by delayed state income tax refunds. The House and Senate agreed to some key Kemp initiatives, including plans to spend $40 million on a rural...
He also gave billions in tax breaks and handouts using federal and state money. Kemp pushed laws to suspend the state gas tax, give $1 billion of state income tax refunds and even give $350 to every person in the state on public assistance. He also pledged another income tax break a...
Burns is also backing a plan announced by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp in Decemberto speed up an already-planned cutin the state income tax rate. As of Jan. 1, Georgia has a flat income tax rate of 5.49%, passed under a 2022 law that transitioned aw...
This week, Gov. Kemp also signed into law two other House bills to support Georgia taxpayers. First, the governor signedHouse Bill 162to provide a one-time income tax refund to Georgians who filed returns for both the 2021 and 2022 tax years. Similar to the tax refund last year, individu...
In 2022, state lawmakers backed a plan to create a flat state income tax rate that is supposed to drop to 4.99% by 2029 or later; the current rate is 5.39% and Kemp is proposing a drop down to 5.19%. Kemp’s tax plans need approval from the full Georgia Assembly during the current...
Calendar Year Returns (%) (NAV, total return) Georgia Tax-Free Bond Fund (GTFBX) Bloomberg Municipal Bond Index (LBMBI) 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 GTFBX 9.58 3.46 -0.05 4.72 0.54 6.85 4.75 2.54 -10.51 7.90 LBMBI 9.05 3.30 0.25 5....
Brian Kemp Monday defended and doubled down on his signature Medicaid program — the only one in the nation with a work requirement — further dimming chances the state could adopt a broader expansion of the taxpayer-funded low-income health plan without a work man...