"Security" & "PI" Online Courses All Other Courses Gun Laws GAFASTA in the News Our Team Contact Us Affiliates OUTDOOR RANGE & CLASSROOM LOCATION: 3161 State Hwy 11 Monroe, Ga. 30656 (770) 530-5630 Email: chief@gafasta.com Georgia Firearms and ...
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This is Lady Bug, a patterdale mix less than a year old. Lady Bug’s origin story is truly horrific…a neighbor heard a gun shot next door in the middle of the night and went out to investigate. The man next door was heavily intoxicated and shot his own puppy in the jaw. The man...
But I think she doesn’t store information the way that you and I do. Amazingly, Georgia stores a lot of random but marginally useful information — like the name of a stranger’s baby, or a dog on the street she met five years ago. She remembers the names of assistant managers at t...
On a mild February eveninglast year, Harris was making his routine tour to tuck the farm up before night fell, visiting every pasture in turn with a Solo cup of merlot tucked down near the parking brake and a shotgun lying on the dash. We went to the cattle and the goats and the sh...