The annual conference is the world’s leading multinational forum for debating international security policy. It also provides a valuable opportunity for bilateral meetings with economic development prospects that can lead to more jobs and investments in Georgia. “I’m looking forward to representing G...
000 good full-time jobs in the past year, and replaced them with hundreds of thousands of part-time jobs and a lot of government jobs. That’s not fair. I could do that, too. Let’s hire some more people. Make me look good. In addition, virtually 100% of all jobs created under ...
" I opened my eyes … I saw the shadow of a man's body standing there, you know, all in black and just lit up by -- the light in the background. He had a mask on. … And I screamed so loud. … He pounced on me, he then hit me with a gun....
After thousands of years of human existence, woman still do not have equality. They have to fight for equal pay for the same job, they fight for equal opportunity in many jobs and top level positions, they fight for control of their body, and they fight against misogyny, discrimination and...
That means support in your research, your classes, internships, jobs, and, really, in any way that we can. Because of that, I sincerely encourage all students to get to know the library as a space as well as meeting the people who work within the library. Feel free to reach out ...