“The City of Moultrie, Colquitt County, Georgia is quite symbolic of this American whose name it bears,” she said. She said his name will be forever remembered for his part in the defense of a log fort, on Sullivan’s Island, at the entrance of Charleston Harbor, against the determined...
Clark, Helen. With a foreword by R. Perry Sentell, Jr. The Yazoo Land Fraud. Louisville, GA: Jefferson County Historical Society , 2009. Butler, Russ. Savannah Sodas: An Illustrated List. Havana, FL: Wrinkles, Inc., 2009. Byrd, Georgia R. Romantic Days and Nights in Savannah: ...
Chloe Clark Elementary School, Dupont, WA, Monroe Elementary School, Everett, WA, Garfield Elementary School, Olympia, WA, North Omak Elementary School, Omak, WA, Puyallup Public Library, Puyallup, WA, Corporate event in Seattle, WA, Pathfinder School, Seattle, WA, Emerson Elementary School, Sn...
Grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) are the largest land carnivores in North America. The earliest written records describing grizzly bears came fromMeriwether Lewis and William Clark, who traipsed through this part of Montana with their expedition in the early 19thcentury. After several encounters, they s...