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Georgetown is a highly rated private, Catholic university located in Washington, D.C. It is a mid-size institution with an enrollment of 7,187 undergraduate students. Admissions is extremely competitive as the Georgetown acceptance rate is 12%. Popular majors include Political Science and Government...
Georgetown University Washington,DC Ranked in2programs Online Programs Overview Georgetown University′sonline programs are among more than 1,800 programs surveyed by U.S. News. Only regionally accredited institutions whose programs are offered mostly or entirely online were evaluated. Learn more about ...
Georgetown University offers undergraduate degrees in forty-eight majors in the four undergraduate schools, as well as the opportunity for students to design their own individualized courses of study. All majors in the College are open as minors to students in the College, the School of Nursing a...
This article examines the proposed changes in the English Department's curriculum at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. By adding multicultural classes the author is concerned about the dropping of courses which featured classical authors. Beginning w...
Academic Counselor is required at Office of the Dean -Georgetown College of the Georgetown University. The Academic Counselor is one of 12 professional staff whose time is largely devoted to the academic advising of 3700 undergraduate students pursing 47 majors and 50+ in Georgetown College, as we...
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42.2% Minority Enrollment 57.8% White 28.6% Hispanic/Latino 5.0% Two or more races 4.3% Black or African American 3.1% Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander 1.2% American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander is not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%...
we take that into consideration. It’s really nice if they have some kind of research. It doesn’t have to be clinically-based or translational. A lot of the science majors do, they work in their biology department, let’s say, and they do even bench work. They know what assays are...
we take that into consideration. It’s really nice if they have some kind of research. It doesn’t have to be clinically-based or translational. A lot of the science majors do, they work in their biology department, let’s say, and they do even bench work. They know what assays are...