Georgetown Preparatory School乔治城预备高中,创建于1789年,位于马里兰州, 是一所男子住宿中学,主要提供9-12年级课程。学校由美国的第一个天主教主教在1789年建立的。学校是这个国家最古老的一所耶稣会会士学校也是唯一一所寄宿制耶稣会会士学校。学校学术上非常严谨的文学艺术课程以耶稣会会士创立者St. Ignatius ...
Hoya Saxa Society Young Alumni graduates between 2013 and 2024 who donated a combined amount of $250 or more Donor Honor Roll The Haas Society Georgetown Preparatory School established the Haas Society to recognize the generosity of all participants in the school’s planned giving programs. ...
Georgetown Preparatory School 寄宿学校 大学预备 男校 马里兰 1:8 的师生比例 | 83%的教师高级学位学校简介 乔治城预科学校成立于1789年,是美国历史最久的男校,也是唯一由耶稣会(Jesuit)创办的住宿学校。学校的文科课程基于教会教育理念,旨在培养学生的快速思维,敏锐的洞察力,卓越的学术成就,个人责任感,及为人类服务...
Former President of the United States Bill Clinton is a 1968 graduate of the School of Foreign Service. Crown Prince Felipe of Spain, King Abdullah II of Jordan and Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark are among the royalty who attended the school. Notable alumni in business include Patricia...
Georgetown has exerted its influence on education and morals indirectly through various other colleges that have sprung from it, and directly by the host of its own alumni, nearly five thousand in number, many of them distinguished in every walk of life. Upon the opening of the college, in...