ICU RN Supervisor - PM Shift Washington DC Dialysis Nurse Educator Washington DC RN Clinical Documentation Integrity Specialist Washington DC Dialysis RN Washington DC Surgical Care Unit RN Washington DC Outpatient Neuro RN Washington DC Ambulatory Department Registered Nurse Washington DC Charge Nurse Surgi...
Miller DC, Wei JT, Dunn RL: Use of medications or devices for erectile dysfunction among long-term prostate cancer treatment survivors: potential influence of sexual motivation and/or indifference. Urology 2006, 68: 166-171. Article PubMed Google Scholar Bergman J, Gore JL, Penson DF, Kwan...
Part of coming back meant that DuBois had to have a personal treatment plan for her long-term recovery in place. However, DuBois’s plan involved Skyping her therapist which was not a realistic alternative to in-person counseling. She went from multiple therapy sessions per week to radio...
Assignee: Georgetown University (Washington, DC, US) Primary Class: 705/2 Other Classes: 345/952, 600/300, 705/3, 715/866 International Classes: G06Q10/00; G16H40/67; G16H70/60 Field of Search: 705/2-3, 600/300 View Patent Images: Download PDF 7756722 US Patent References: ...