Georges Simenon was one of the world’s most prolific and best-selling authors when he was alive and he remains so today. Few of Simenon’s current readers, however, know that he not only lived in the United States for almost ten years but also set over a dozen novels here. But what...
Curious Georges: Georges Simenon, prolific genius of literary reduction, takes readers on a very bad road trip.(BOOKS)Indiana, Gary
The volume of Simenon’s work, in fact, has always detracted from his reputation as a writer. He appeared to produce books without effort, bragging once to Gide that he could complete an entire novel in three days. During his peak years of production, in the 1960s, he wrote an average ...
Along the way Simenon plants the crucial information that d’Oulmont has studied law and that Belgium has abolished the death penalty. The climax takes place in a Brussels nightclub where in Maigret’s presence, a local detective arrests d’Oulmont and claims to have an ...
strips away the facade of respectability he’d worked so hard to establish: “He was simply ashamed, as if he had found himself stark naked in the middle of the supermarket, among his employees and outraged customers.”“That was, in fact, a dream he had often had,” Simenon adds, ...
THIS YEAR marks the centenary of Georges Simenon's birth in Liege, Belgium, and this month Penguin Modern Classics re-issues six of his Inspector Maigret crime novels. To celebrate the reappearance of the great detective, Penguin, the Belgian Tourist Office and The Independent are offering ...
in which he introduced the imperturbable, pipe-smoking Parisian police inspectorJules Maigretto fiction. Simenon went on to write 83 more detective novels featuring Inspector Maigret, as well as 136 psychological novels. His total literary output consisted of about 425 books that were translated into...