Georges Simenon was one of the world’s most prolific and best-selling authors when he was alive and he remains so today. Few of Simenon’s current readers, however, know that he not only lived in the United States for almost ten years but also set over a dozen novels here. But what...
Simenon had a crisp, clear writing style, a strong sense of themot justethat is admired in French writing and a genius for descriptive writing. His simple, direct style helped make him one of the most exported French writers in history. His books have been translated into 55 languages. A ...
Georges Simenon. (French).EBSCO_bspLe Monde
Georges SimenonSi·me·non, Georges/ˈsiːmənɒn$ˌsiːməˈnɔːn,ʒɔːʒ$ʒɔːrʒ/ (1903–89)a Belgian writer ofdetective novels (=books about crime and murder)in which the main character is the French police officer Superintendent Maigret...
Georges Simenon noun French writer (born in Belgium) best known for his detective novels featuring Inspector Maigret (1903-1989) + 添加翻译 英文-瑞典文字典 Georges Simenon HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ Georges Simenon "自动翻译成 瑞典文 Georges ...
One day in May 1933 the 50-year-old Danse butchered his mistress and his own mother with a hammer in a small village south of Paris and fled to his native Belgium. In Liège he called on one of his old teachers, a Jesuit named Father Hault who had also taught Simenon, made his...
French painter and sculptor Georges Braque died at 80 on August 31. 1963年8月31日,法国画家、雕刻家乔治·勃拉克逝世,享年80岁. 来自互联网 9. In the afternoon she expressed some anxiety for Georges. 下午,她为乔治担着不少焦急. 来自互联网 10. How many books did Georges Simenon write? 乔治·...
French chef of grand hotels, such as the Savoy and Carlton in London. He wrote several cookery books, includingLe Guide culinaire(1903). American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton...
on Simenon. Luo mentioned that Guangzhou Library not only has Simenon's original French novels and Chinese translations at the library, but also a full section of Belgian books at the Multiculture Library. Luo hopes citizens can make a full use of the section devoted to Belgian books. ...
They had quite a lot of crime novels " Agatha Christie, especially " but I could not locate any books by Simenon. I approached the young man in charge of the shop.Kington, MilesUniversity of Groningen