乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University),小名 GWU 或者 GW,是世界范围内著名的美国私立综合性大...
美国乔治华盛顿大学一共有3个校区: 主校区——雾谷校区(Foggy Botton Campus)位于市中心,靠近商店、餐馆、俱乐部和画廊,交通非常便利; 图片为雾谷校区 弗农山校区(Mount Vernon Campus)位于华盛顿西北区的Foxhall街区,24小时都有班车开往雾谷校区; 图片为弗农校区 弗吉尼亚校区(Virginia Science and Technology Campus) ,...
George Washington University 排名:综合性大学第62(2023 U.S.News)性质:私立综合性大学,学期制 在...
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The George Washington University is a trulyglobal institution. Our student body represents more than 135 countries, andeach year hundreds of students and faculty members span the globe for study andresearch. GW’s faculty includ...
[2022美国百强商院053] - 乔治华盛顿大学 商学院 George Washington University School of Business 884 -- 8:06 App 【德州农工大学】Texas A&M Virtual Campus Tour 74 -- 1:49:02 App 乔治华盛顿大学密码学与网络安全1 344 -- 2:53 App 致高中,一年前,心理挣扎&收获 |大学|高中|留学|美国 | 乔治...
George Washington was the backdrop to several momentous events in twentieth century history. In 1939, a conference on campus revealed that Otto Hahn had successfully split the atom; while in 1981, the university hospital treated Ronald Reagan after an attempted assassination. ...
乔治华盛顿大学(英语:The George Washington University)于1821年建校,以美国开国第一任总统乔治·...
“In a reversal of the University’s plans to conduct an external audit of campus diversity last academic year, officials said they will instead review GW’s diversity, inclusion and equity later this fall through a primarily internal process. As part of the new process outlined at a Faculty...
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