If we have a database of all possible time stamps, shouldn’t we use it to validate the user entry? Of course, we should.//Are the users startTime and endTime valid //bar time stamps? Loop through all the times //and validate the times. for arrayIndex = 1 to numBarsInComplete...
One of the ones that he described was something like William Holden made a deal like this for a movie and he not only became a multimillion as a result of it but because Warner was able to invest the money for X number of years –They had the use of the money so that when they pa...
Prepared by David Reed haradda@aol.com or davidr@inconnect.com Plunkitt of Tammany Hall A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics, Delivered by Ex-senator George Washington Plunkitt, the Tammany Philosopher, from His Rostrum-the New York Co
on the flight up, he said, “we need to get organized in washington. do you think you can come back full-time?” i said, “i’ve got two little kids and i’m trying to set up a law practice without a great deal of success. let me help you out for a few weeks.” he agrees...
But, also, you know, as I wrote this weekend in “The Washington Post”, George, you know, what the threat here now is the American way of life. And I don’t think that Americans ever thought that life was without risks. There's always going to be some risks. But to say that...
We were still living at 330 Wadsworth Avenue on Washington Heights. But then my father’s older brother came over to help out with the business in New York; another brother settled in Brussels and that was the office representing the company for Europe. And the other brother stayed in ...