His leadership guaranteed the survival of the United States as a power and independent nation, and set the standard for future presidents. The Electoral College elected Washington unanimously in 1789, and again in the 1792 election. John Adams was elected vice president. Washington took the oath ...
After his presidency, George Washington became a whiskey tycoon and owned the largest distillery in the USNoah Friedman
USA Today Washington bureau chief Susan Page joins "Red & Blue" to discuss her new book, "The Matriarch: Barbara Bush and the Making of an American Dynasty," and the important role Mrs. Bush played in her husband's and son's political lives. Apr 3, 2019 10:42 How Barbara Bush ov...
During Washington’s presidency, Congress passed the first federal revenue law, a tax on distilled spirits. In July 1794, farmers in Western Pennsylvania rebelled over the so-called “whiskey tax.” Washington called in over 12,000 militiamen to Pennsylvania to dissolve theWhiskey Rebellionin one...
President Trump says only one president has put more judges on the bench than him: George Washington. “We’ll have more judges put on than any other president other than one. Do you know who the one is?” the president asked his interviewers from Hill.TV on Tuesday afternoon. “G...
Washington, dubbed "His Excellency" by the adoring American public, also became acquainted with many of his future staff members and lieutenants during this period. The British were forced out of Boston and every place in America, which declared its independence and became "the United States of ...
George Washington was an American general and commander-in-chief of the colonial armies in the American Revolution (1775–83) and subsequently first president of the United States (1789–97). He is known as ‘the Father of His Country.’ Learn more about
From the outset of his presidency, however, Bush demonstrated far more interest in foreign than domestic policy. On December 20, 1989, he ordered a military invasion ofPanama, part of a plan calledOperation Just Cause, in order to topple thatcountry’sleader, Gen.Manuel Noriega, who—though ...
George Washington, a Founding Father of the United States, led the Continental Army to victory in the Revolutionary War and was America’s first president.
Washington tried to make a machine that would do the work more expeditiously and succeeded, though it should be said that his plans were not altogether original with him, as there was a plan for such a machine in Duhamel and another was published by Arthur Young about this time in the _...